• Location: 13 Fadeyi Street. off Obafemi Awolowo Way. Ikeja, Lagos.

8+ Years

8+ Years
Of Experience

About HumGene Limited

Empowering Health Through Genetic Insight

At HumGene Limited, we believe that understanding your genetic makeup is a powerful step towards achieving optimal health and well-being. Founded in 2016 by Dr. Mrs. Maryam Ajikobi, HumGene has become a leading name in genetic testing and personalized medicine in Nigeria. Our mission is to provide comprehensive and accurate genetic information that empowers individuals and families to make informed health decisions.

Our Founding Story

HumGene’s journey began with a vision to make cutting-edge genetic technologies accessible to all Nigerians. Dr. Maryam Ajikobi, a renowned geneticist, saw a need for local expertise in genetic testing and counseling. With over a decade of experience in the field, she established HumGene to bridge the gap between advanced genetic research and everyday healthcare needs.


Since our inception, we have been committed to excellence, innovation, and personalized care. Our state-of-the-art facilities in Ikeja, Lagos, and our team of highly qualified professionals ensure that we stay at the forefront of genetic science. We are dedicated to providing reliable and confidential services that meet the highest international standards.

Our Comprehensive Services

At HumGene, we offer a wide range of services to cater to your genetic health needs. Whether you are seeking to understand your genetic risks, planning for a family, or looking to preserve your fertility, we have a solution for you.


 Genetic Testing.

Genetic testing is the cornerstone of our services. We offer various types of genetic tests that provide valuable insights into your health and genetic risks:

Diagnostic Testing: Identifies specific genetic disorders in symptomatic individuals, aiding in accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

Carrier Testing: Determines if you carry genes for genetic conditions that could be passed to your children.

Predictive and Presymptomatic Testing: Assesses your risk of developing genetic conditions in the future, even before symptoms appear.

Pharmacogenomic Testing: Helps tailor your medication plan by understanding how your genes affect your response to drugs.

Prenatal Testing: Evaluates the genetic health of your fetus, offering crucial insights during pregnancy.



Our biobank is a cutting-edge facility that stores biological samples for future testing and research. It supports ongoing and future genetic studies, preserving genetic material for use in diagnostics and research:

Sample Preservation: We store blood, tissue, and other biological samples for long-term use.

Research Support: Our biobank is a valuable resource for advancing genetic research and understanding diseases.

Personal Use: Your samples can be stored for future genetic testing, providing flexibility and peace of mind.


 Genetic Counseling.

Navigating genetic information can be complex. Our genetic counseling services offer personalized support to help you understand your test results and their implications:

Expert Guidance: Our counselors provide detailed explanations of your genetic test results and their impact on your health.

Decision-Making Support: We help you make informed choices about healthcare, family planning, and managing genetic risks.

Emotional and Psychological Support: We understand the emotional impact of genetic information and provide compassionate support to help you through the process.



HumGene’s forensic DNA testing services play a critical role in legal and criminal investigations. We offer:

Criminal Casework: Assisting law enforcement in solving crimes through DNA analysis.

Paternity and Relationship Testing: Providing legally admissible evidence for paternity disputes, custody cases, and immigration applications.

Identification of Remains: Helping to identify unknown remains and resolve missing persons cases.


 Genetic Ancestry Testing

Discover your roots and connect with your heritage through our genetic ancestry testing services:

Lineage Tracing: We analyze your DNA to trace your lineage and connect you with your ancestral origins.

Ethnic Background: Our tests reveal genetic markers that highlight your ethnic background and family history.

Cultural Connection: Gain a deeper understanding of your heritage and cultural identity.


 Genetic Research.

HumGene is dedicated to advancing the field of genetics through pioneering research. Our initiatives focus on:

Innovative Studies: We explore new frontiers in genetics to understand disease mechanisms and improve health outcomes.

Collaborative Projects: We partner with academic institutions and research organizations to enhance the scope and impact of our research.

Clinical Trials: We conduct trials to develop and test new genetic therapies and interventions.


 Semen Cryopreservation.

Our semen cryopreservation services offer men a way to preserve their fertility for the future:

Cancer Patients: Men undergoing cancer treatments that may affect fertility can store their sperm before treatment begins.

Family Planning: Individuals planning to delay fatherhood can preserve their sperm for future use.

Medical Procedures: Men undergoing medical treatments that could impact fertility can benefit from this service.


 Oocytes Vitrification.

HumGene provides advanced oocyte vitrification services for women wishing to preserve their fertility:

Egg Freezing: We collect and rapidly freeze eggs to maintain their viability for future use.

Fertility Preservation: Ideal for women facing medical treatments that could affect fertility or those wanting to delay childbearing.

High Success Rates: Our vitrification technique ensures high survival rates and maintains the quality of the eggs.


 Paternity Testing.

Our paternity testing services are accurate, reliable, and confidential, providing clear answers about biological relationships:

Legal Paternity Testing: Results that are admissible in court for custody, child support, and immigration cases.

Personal Paternity Testing: Private testing for individuals seeking confirmation of paternity without legal proceedings.

Peace of Mind: We deliver fast and accurate results with the highest level of confidentiality and professionalism.


 Genetic and Hormonal Predisposition Tests for 124 Diseases and Conditions.

Our comprehensive testing panels assess genetic and hormonal risks for a wide range of diseases and conditions:

Broad Coverage: We screen for a vast array of conditions, from cardiovascular diseases and cancers to endocrine disorders and metabolic conditions.

In-Depth Insights: Our tests identify genetic mutations and hormonal imbalances that could affect your health.

Proactive Health Management: Early identification of predispositions allows for timely interventions and personalized healthcare strategies.


 Select a Sex Maternal Transdermal Patch.

Our innovative maternal transdermal patch provides a non-invasive method to influence the sex selection of future offspring:

Easy Application: The patch is applied to the skin, offering a user-friendly way to manage sex selection.

Scientifically Backed: Uses advanced genetic principles to influence the likelihood of having a boy or a girl.

Family Planning: Provides options for parents who have a preference for the gender of their child for personal or medical reasons.


 Genetic Counseling Training.

HumGene is committed to expanding the field of genetics through our genetic counseling training programs:

Comprehensive Curriculum: Our courses cover all aspects of genetic counseling, from basic genetics to advanced counseling techniques.

Experienced Instructors: Our programs are taught by leading professionals with extensive practical experience.

Career Opportunities: We prepare students for careers in genetic counseling, healthcare, and research.


 PGT-A (Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy).

PGT-A is a cutting-edge screening procedure used in conjunction with IVF to detect chromosomal abnormalities in embryos:

Increased Pregnancy Success: By selecting embryos with the correct number of chromosomes, PGT-A enhances the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Reduced Miscarriage Risk: Screening helps avoid transferring embryos with chromosomal anomalies that could lead to miscarriage.

Ideal for High-Risk Couples: Particularly beneficial for those with a history of pregnancy loss, older maternal age, or failed IVF attempts.


 PGT-M (Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Monogenic Disorders).

PGT-M is a specialized testing approach used during IVF to identify embryos free from specific genetic conditions:

Healthy Embryo Selection: Allows couples to select embryos that do not carry single-gene disorders, such as cystic fibrosis or sickle cell anemia.

Prevention of Genetic Diseases: Reduces the risk of passing inherited conditions to future generations.

Personalized Family Planning: Ideal for families with known genetic disorders who want to ensure the health of their children.


 PGT-S (Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Structural Rearrangements).

PGT-S screens embryos for structural chromosomal abnormalities during IVF, providing:

Detection of Chromosomal Issues: Identifies translocations, inversions, and deletions that can affect embryo viability.

Improved Pregnancy Outcomes: Helps select embryos with normal chromosomal structures, leading to higher implantation and pregnancy success rates.

Support for At-Risk Couples: Particularly useful for those with a history of chromosomal rearrangements or recurrent pregnancy losses.


 NIPT (Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing).

NIPT is a safe and accurate screening test performed during pregnancy to detect certain genetic conditions in the fetus:

High Accuracy: Identifies conditions like Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, and Patau syndrome with high precision.

Non-Invasive Procedure: Only requires a blood sample from the mother, posing no risk to the fetus.

Early Detection: Provides early insights into the genetic health of the developing baby, aiding in prenatal care and decision-making.


 Fetal HB (Hemoglobin) Genotype Test.

The Fetal HB Genotype Test is a prenatal screening for inherited blood disorders, such as sickle cell anemia or thalassemia:

Identifies Hemoglobin Disorders: Detects conditions like sickle cell anemia or thalassemia in the fetus.

Informed Pregnancy Planning: Provides critical information for parents, enabling early intervention and management.

Safe and Accurate: Uses fetal DNA from the mother’s blood for a non-invasive and reliable diagnosis.

Our Commitment to You...

At HumGene, we are dedicated to providing personalized, compassionate care. We understand that genetic information can be life-changing, and we are here to guide you every step of the way. Our team of experts is committed to delivering the highest quality services with integrity and respect for your privacy.

What Our Satisfied Clients Are Saying?

Join the HumGene Family Today

At HumGene Limited, we are here to help you navigate the complexities of your genetic health. Whether you need genetic testing, counseling, or simply want to explore your genetic makeup, we are your trusted partner.