Pre-disease state test


SKU: bc0a9536ff69 CATEGORY:

Know your health status for the following before disease or disorder occur.

1 Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular
2 Gastrointestinal Function
3 Liver Function
4 Large Intestine Function
5 Gallbladder Function
6 Pancreatic Function
7 Kidney Function
8 Lung Function
9 Brain Nerve
10 Bone Disease
11 Bone Mineral Density
12 Rheumatoid Bone Disease
13 Bone Growth Index
14 Blood Sugar
15 Trace Element
16 Vitamin
17 Amino Acid
18 Coenzyme
19 Endocrine System
20 Immune System
21 Human Toxin
22 Heavy Metal
23 Basic Physical Quality
24 Allergy
25 Obesity
26 Skin
27 Eye
28 Collagen
29 Channels and collaterals
30 Pulse of heart and brain
31 Blood lipids
32 Gynecology (female)
33 Breast Cancer(female)
34 Menstrual cycle (female)
35 Prostate Cancer (male)
36 Male Sexual Function (male)
37 Sperm and semen (male)
38 Element of Human
39 Comprehensive Report
40 Thyroid
41 ADHD (Children)

    1. The health check is non-invasive


    1. The health check-up has no side effect


    1. It prevents diseases


    1. It gives comprehensive information on your health status


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