• Location: 13 Fadeyi Street. off Obafemi Awolowo Way. Ikeja, Lagos.

Informational/peace of mind paternity testing

This type of test produces results that are not legally defensible in court because it is done seclusion. The advantage of this is that it can be done discreetly for your own knowledge only, especially if you don’t want other parties involved.

Legal DNA Test

Legal Paternity DNA tests can be used in a court case, such as child support, custody case or divorce. Our legal tests follow a strict chain of custody to ensure integrity from the sample collection through testing at our laboratory to provide you with court-ready results.

Immigration DNA Test

We have a broad range of solutions for DNA testing services to assist clients who need genetic testing for immigration purposes. With these services, we can provide the evidence of biological relationship needed to satisfy the requirements of Entry Clearance Officers. It can be used for the UK, US, CANADIAN and most European embassies.

Pre-Natal DNA Test

Paternity of a child can be found out while the excepting mother is 10 weeks pregnant by using non-invasive DNA sample collection, 100% safe prenatal paternity test which provides accuracy levels of up to 99.9% if the tested man is the biological father of the child.


Sibling DNA Test
A siblingship test requires the participation of two alleged siblings. (Because of the complexity of the test, no more than two alleged siblings can be tested at the same time). When a mother contributes a DNA sample, the laboratory can eliminate her contribution to her child’s genetic profile and focus on the father’s contribution.

Grand parentage Test

The required participants of a grand parentage test are the child and both grandparents on one side. Grandparent DNA testing is often initiated because of doubts about a missing or deceased alleged father’s paternity; therefore, most of these tests involve the participation of the alleged father’s biological parents. This is known as paternal grand parentage testing.

Uncle & Aunt DNA Test

An avuncular study is used when the Alleged father nor both sibling and Grandparent’s aren’t available. We can use Aunties and uncles on the alleged father side to find common family DNA strands that show a biological relationship with the child

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